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Luke Air Force Base Visit

March 15, 2013


A special thank you to Brothers Torrealday and Tzavaras who set up an excellent tour of Luke Air Force Base.  16 Brothers joined as Chapter 219 gathered for lunch and then caravanned to Luke Air Force Base.  Upon entering the base, we headed to the flight simulator building.  Each Brother was briefed on the controls of a fighter jet then led into the actual simulators that America’s finest fighter pilots are trained in for about a 20 minute flight.  The simulator technicians would place planes in the path where Brothers could aim and shoot them down.  Then, each Brother was taught how to land the plane…some more successful at this than others.

Once we finished the simulators, we then toured the Tower, and walked around the fighter jets on the tarmac.  The photos below capture this excellent Chapter 219 field trip.


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